![Corona Pandemic impact on Nature](img/blogs/nature-corona.jpg)
- On 12 Feb 2020
How Has The Corona Pandemic Impacted Our Nature?
Ever since humanity has halted moving out due to COVID-19 or retreated from everywhere into his den, the pollution level in the world has reduced drastically. One-third of the world is in lockdown today to constrain corona pandemic.
“Humans weigh 0.01 % of the life on earth. Yet our actions have caused the destruction of 83% of all the wild mammals and half of plants on earth according to study. We are just a link in the chain. Not the whole chain”
Praveen Kaswan, IFS
In the last 50 odd days, with the cease of Industrial work and negligible movement of cars on roads and airplanes in the sky, fuel consumption also fell, reducing emission of Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the environment. It resulted in a clean environment with clear sky and healing water bodies.
In Delhi-NCR, Centre for Science and Environment said morning and evening peaks in PM 2.5 (fine, respirable pollution particles) have flattened out. The Air Quality Index (AQI) in India has improved, purifying the air and environment.
According to the DPCC- Delhi Pollution Control Board the water quality of rivers Ganges and Yamuna has improved ever since the lock down as the industrial effluent is not flowing into water bodies.
The Japanese city of Nara witnessed more than 1000 deers roaming in the empty city. This reminds us of the Hollywood Movie - I AM LEGEND - shows the scene of rabies affecting Chicago city.
In Chicago, Illinois, and San Francisco, California, and in Wales, UK the wild goats started roaming from the nearest wildlife park feeling the emptiness and the silence of the human free earth for the time ever since the humans were inhabited on this earth. So far the man destroyed and stored everything on the earth for his own selfishness, enjoyment and survival.
There is a sharp reduction of the Nitrogen di-Oxide in the atmosphere. This is a positive impact and this tells as together man can contribute to save the earth from all his destructive activities.
The world has united forgetting all political, religious and color barriers pulled up the sleeves to develop an effective drug to contain COVID-19,. If this unity continues we can easily reduce the acquisition of weapons and destructive human activities, instead exploring new avenues to progress together.
Many countries have made plans to make temporary hospitals to reduce pressure on the existing medical facilities. This has taught humanity to fight in a war like situation unitedly, sharing and caring for each other. For the first time man has found sense in his behaviour to care for his own fellow being.
Academic Institutions, universities, colleges and schools have been closed down and 1.5 million students are sitting at home. Many examinations have been postponed. The job creation has become stand still. It will take years to cure this deep wound in our economy.
Domestic violence has increased due to shortage of income and presence of pressure the bread earners due to lock down. Confinement in home has led to boredom and stress. Many had to suffer due to loss of their daily wages.
Pandemic has originated in China and widely spread across the world because China has got more business travelers from the Pacific-Atlantic region than any other region. It would not have been spreading this much if it had originated in African region. Because there are less business travelers in Africa these days. The lockdown, job loss, academic loss, and financial strain all came on the shoulder of everyone. Our researchers are still working to develop an effective medicine for this pandemic.
How Has The Corona Pandemic Impacted Our Nature?
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